Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Waiting For Godot

Thinking Activity:-

1) What connection do you see in the setting ("A country road, A tree evening) of the play and these paintings ?
➨ In the play a country road symbolize desire and go for it and it's connection. The tree evening symbolize that slowly and steadily something will be happened and it's growing on at this time. So that is the setting of the play in the beginning.

2) The tree is the only important thing in the setting. What is the importance of tree in both acts? Why does Beckett grow a few leaves in act ll on the barren tree.
➨ In the first act there is no leaves on the tree but in the second act there is a three or four leaves on the tree. It's shows here hope for Godot will come soon and hope for new life.

3) In both acts, evening falls into night and moon rises. How would you like to interpret this coming of night and moon. When actually they are waiting for Godot?
➨In that perception we can say that evening falls into night means their obsession and desire, waiting. It's fall in darkness, who symbolize the night and when moon rise, it's symbolize in the play when a boy comes their desire once again rise with waiting for Godot.

5) The play begins with the dialogue" Nothing to be done". How does the theme of nothingness recurs in the play?
➨'Nothing to be done'. It's the really appropriate line for the whole play. Because in the play we can see absurdity, nothingness, hopeless, helpless and they can only waiting Nothing do that's why in the play occurs only absurdity, nothingness and shown meaningless things who show also meaning some way.

6)Do you agree:- " The play waiting for Godot, we agreed, was a positive play, not negative, not pessimistic. As I saw it, with
My blood and skin and eyes, the philosophy is: ''No matter what- atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, anything-life goes on. You can kill yourself, but you can't kill life". How are the props like hat and boots used in the play? What is the symbolical significance of these props?
➨ We can see that waiting for Godot is positive or nagative. It's not quite clear, not throw much light on the meaning of the play. There is something in the play as a philosophical way. In this play characters are inner conflict and suffering and think to killing themselves.

7) How are the props like hat and boot used in the play? What is the symbolical significance of these props?

➨ Such a many time Vladimir and Estragon right or wrong unlike hat and boots symbolise in one way. Hat thinks for the meaning of life and boots symbolise struggle for the life and desire.

8) Who according to you is Godot? God? An object of desire? Death? Goal? Success or...
➨ AcciAccor to my point Godot is also death and desire for anything and hope from God and Godot will never come . It will be depth of desire and Death. So god is an object as a desire and also for death.

9) The subject of the play is not Godot but "Waiting" Do you agree? How can you justify your answer?
➨ Subject of the play is not Godot but it's waiting. Because there is no rising up and any action without that nothingness and hope. Character of the play passing time and just think about suicide it's shown nothing and meaningless life. They thought Godot will come and fulfill their wishes means depends on Godot..imaginations of them and depends on other, and killing time so, play's subjectivity is also 'Waiting' not Godot.
                                                  Thank You.

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