Tuesday 4 December 2018

Paper 9 :- Modern Literature Assignment

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                          -: ASSIGNMENT :-

Name :- Jagruti R Vasani
Sem :- 3
Roll No. :- 15
Enrollment No:- 2069108420180054
Paper No 9 :- The Modernist Literature
Topic :- Waiting For Godot as an Absurd Play
Email Id :- jagrutivasani17@gmail.com
Submitted To:- Smt S.B. Gradi Departmrnt of English
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

What is an Absurd Play :-

           Theatre of absurd means that a form of drama that emphasizes the absurdity of human existence by employing disjointed, repetitious, and meaningless dialogue, purposeless and confusing situations, and plots that lack realistic or logical  development.
         Plays stressing the irrational or illogical aspects of life, usually to show that modern life is pointless; “Samuel Beckett and Eugene Lonesco have written plays for the theatre of the absurd”.
 Waiting For Godot as a Absurd Play :-
        Beckett is considered to be an important figure among the French absurdists. “Waiting For Godot” is one of the masterpieces of Absurdist literature. Elements of Absurdity for making this play are so engaging and lively.
        It is very clear from the very word “Absurd” that it means nonsensical, opposed to reason, something silly, foolish, senseless, ridiculous and topsy-turvy. So, a drama having a cock and bull story would be called an absurd play. Moreover, a play having loosely constructed plot, unrecognizable characters, metaphysical called an absurd play. Actually the ‘Absurd Theatre’ belives that humanity’s plight is purposeless in an existence, which is out of harmony with its surroundings.
       Absurd theatre is a term applies to a group of dramatist in the 1950s. Martin Esslin Was the first to use this term ‘ABSURD’ in his book “The Theatre of the Absurd” . Eugene Lonesco and some another writers belong to this category.
     This discussion allows us to call “Waiting for Godot” as an absurd play for not only its plot is loose but its characters are also just mechanical puppets with their incoherent colloquy. And above than all, its theme is unexplained. “ Waiting for Godot” is an absurd play for it is devoid of characterization and motivation. Though characters are present but are not recognizable for whatever they do and whatever they present is purposeless. So far as its dialogue technique is concerned, it is purely absurd as there is no witty repartee and pointed dialogue. What a reader or spectator hears is simply then incoherent  babbling which does not have any clear and meaningful ideas. So far as the action and theme is concerned , it kisses the level of absurd theatre. After the study of this play we come to know that nothing special happens in the play nor we observe any significant change in setting. Though a change occurs but it is only that now the tree has sprouted out four or five leaves, it’s also shown that concept of absurdity in life.
      Samuel Beckett’s  ‘waiting For Godot’ belongs to the tradition of the theatre of absurd. It is unconventional in not depicting any dramatic conflicts. In the play, practically nothing happens, no development is to be found, there is no beginning and no end. The entire action boils down in an absurd setting of a country side road with two tramps Vladimir and Estragon who simply idle away their time waiting for Godot , about whom they have only vague ideas, They have nothing substantial to tell each other and yet they must spend the time, for they cannot stop waiting. Two other characters, a cruel master called Pozzo and his half-crazy slave called Lucky appear. Eventually a boy arrives with a message that Godot will arrive the next day. The two tramps decide to go away, but they do not move and curtain falls, eventually nothing happens. The second act is the replica of the first act, but Pozzo is now blind and Lucky is dumb. The wait of Vladimir and Estragon continues but in despair. This monotony characterized the world after the would have said so in the play. Such a reply forced the critics to offer varied interpretations of the identity of Godot. The very word “GODOT” is suggestive of a weakened or diminutive form of the word ‘God’. In fact, the French version of the play “ En Attendant Godot”, seems to contain an allusion to a book “Attente de Dieu” , which further supplies evidence that ‘Godot’ stands for God.
           Beckett very tactfully highlighted some religious references to figure out God as whimsical, partial and capricious. The Biblical story of salvation of one thief and damnation of the other is although narrated as babblings by Vladimir to while away the time, actually raises question on God’s partial nature. The messanger who works for Godot, lets Vladimir know that Godot excutes  physical tortures to his brother, a shepherd, for no reasons. This episode of the play instantaneously draws the readers attention to the Biblical story of Cane and Able. And pathetic enough one of the brothers receives the Lord’s grace without any rational explanation.
However, at the same time, Beckett in his play projected the supremacy of Godot and the futile dependence of man on a supreme power. Vladimir and Estragon tell about Godot to Pozzo, whom they took to be Godot :-
 Estragon :- We hardly know him
Vladimir :-True. . . we don’t know him very well. . . (Act 1)
   Godot’s identity is in veli to Vladimir and Estragon, and yet they expect their future to be molded on Godot’s arrival. Pozzo’s utterance  gives us an insight up the minds of the two tramps about Godot.
   Pozzo :- . . . Godet . . . Godot . . . Godin . . .
           Any how you see who I mean,
Who has your future in his hand . . . at least your immediate future. (Act 1) .
   Beckett proves to completely abide by the views of the theatre of Absurd while Constructing his monumental play ‘Waiting For Godot’ . The dramatists of Absurd theatre were influenced by what Nietzsche said in “Zarathustra” that question mark on the existence of God. However till the end procrastinating his visit to which the two tramps eagerly look forward.
     The theatre of Absurd is concerned with projecting the author’s personal world and so the plays lack objectivity and valid characters. Unlike the communicable social and moral lessons Brecht’s narrative epic theatre, Beckett’s ‘Waiting For Godot’ being an Absurd play, does not intend to narrate a story. Rather, ‘Waiting For Godot’ communicates in a pattern of poetic images. Beckett unfolds the play with a nihilistic approach. Right with the opening dialogue,
 Estragon :- Nothing to be done. (Act 1)
            The hovering of pessimism in the play comes to the very fore. The tramps suffer a state of vagueness and uncertainty. Although they wait for Godot, they are uncertain of his identity, they are neither sure whether they are waiting in the right place and on the right day, nor do they know what would happen if Godot came. Their ignorance reaches the highest peack as they have no watches , no time-tables and to add to the worse, there is none to fetch them information. There expectation from
    Godot is neither definite :-
Vladimir :- Oh . . . nothing very definite.
Estragone :- A kind of prayer
Vladimir :- Precisely
Estragon :- A vague supplication. (Act 2).
   Theatre of Absurd captures the stasis in which the world had fallen after the wars. ‘Waiting For Godot’ reflects this stasis through the act of endless waiting of the two tramps. The ignorance leads the tramps in a state of impotence. A sense of baffled helplessness is produced as the tramps are forced to remain in a situation which is beyond their control. They indulge in triffles merely as stop-gaps to help pass the time. The waiting is the outcome of ignorance and impotence. And  the triffles are the only source to realize and prove their existence as Estragon said, “ . . .We always find something , to give us the impression we exist”.
       The title of the play is of immense significance in reflecting the genre of Absurd theatre.
The play is a superb construction of the dominant action of time and its experience by man. Throught the play, nothing really happens, and the change is in itself an illusion. Structurally the play is the dramatization of the themes of habit, boredom and monotony. Out of boredom and monotony of waiting in Act 1 Estragon says about this :-
“Nothing happens, Nobody comes, Nobody goes, It’s awaful”.
   Morever, what makes the play absurd is its ending. We note that the ending of the play is not a conclusion in the usual sense. The wait continues ; the human contacts remain unsolved ; the problem of existence remains meaningless, futile and purposeless. The conversation between the two tramps remain a jargon, really a humbug and bunkum speech. So it’s all this makes the play as an ABSURD play.
Conclusion :-
      Habit, boredom, monotony, ignorance and impotence which enveloped the world after the wars and created an absurd existence, is recreated by Beckett in “Waiting For Godot”. Beckett captured this situation and depicted it through the deadening condition of the two tramps in a null and void state without any real action. The play has often been interpreted as a parable where Godot stands as God , or for a mythical human being or for the meaning of life, death or something eventful.

                                                                       THANK YOU.


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