Thursday, 28 March 2019

Cultural Studies and Postcolonialism

Online discussion on Cultural Studies and Postcolonialism

Sharmeen obaid Chinoy 's Got Oscar award for her documentary " A Girl in the River " has been much celebrated at home. It is about honor killing in Pakistan.
 general belief of the people is that writer must write about the glory and positive side of their country, and we Asian believe that western people give awards on our bed images and they happy because western people feel happy when they see our poor condition
people who like to see the glory of their Nation not accept him . The same thing happens in Slum Dog Millionaire movie. In this movie also showing  the reality of India. It also got Oscar award. These  writers respected by white people. So the question is that why the Indians and Pakistani writers get not respect by their own Nation.
                                   Thank you..!

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ટચુકડી ખાણ...

વરસાદ એકલો હોય. પણ એકલો તો ના જ હોઈ શકે. પડતાં ની સાથે ઉત્પન્ન થતો રવ ફેલાતી માટી ની સોહમણી ગંધ, ને અનેક હૈયાઓની અદ્રશ્ય ટાઢક એની જ તો છે. પ...