Monday, 18 March 2019

Play: Ghashiram kotwal

Ghashiram Kotwal

Ghashiram Kotwal is a Marathi play, political allegory and political satire written by Vijay Tendulkar. It is the intrigue of hypocrisy and greed brutality.It has two Acts. Tendulkar has used a sure insight into dramatic characterization.
First Act portraits Ghashiram as firsts the ordinary and simple outsider in Poona from Kanoj who came for  finding his fortune and then his humiliation and harshness. Act-2 shows reign of Ghashiram and ends with the death of Ghashiram who did injustice with her own daughter for his own sake or the restoration of Brahmins to their earlier freedom.
Play has historical context that set in poona in the later 18th century during nearly last years of the rule of Peshwa and his chancellor Nana Phadnavis. Tendulkar firmly stated that....
"This is not a historical play. It is a story, in prose, verse, music and dance set in a historical era. Ghashirams are creations of socio-political forces which know no barrier of time and place. Although based on a historical legends, I have no intention of commentary on the morals or lake of them, of the Peshwa, Nana Phadnavis or Ghashiram."
Various themes are located in the play. Major themes are dominant class, victimization,Moral degradation,  religious manifest in caste dominance, prostitution (Bavannakhani) , violence, authority or power, revenge motief etc. Victimization is the the canvas of the play.
 Ghashiram 's demand  for Kotwali in exchange for his daughter to his own advantage.  Ghashiram himself falling trap into Nana's trap while attempting to  trap Nana. Ghashi himself becomes the pown. Victimized  character Gauri is voiceless, powerless and victimized as a whole. Throughout the whole play we can not find even any single dialogue of Gauri herself who is victimized character and it shows marginalization.  Religious aspect dominant to more than half of public and many of them enjoys the dance of Bavanikhaani as the dance of "Lord Radha-Krishna". As Sutradhar says in the play that....
"Night comes.
They go to Bavannakhani.
They go to  the cemetery.
They go to the kirtan.
They go to the temple.
The street of Bavanna became for a while the garden of Krishna."

We can surely say that... play "Ghashiram Kotwal" has cult hero who gives the position of  Kotwali to Ghashiram for his own  sexual sake and   Ghashiram destroys his own daughter's precious life for his personal revenge in Poona.  It represents individual from individual form. Tendulkar describes Ghashiram's  humiliation to his revenge. Through the character of Ghashiram Tendulkar shows us how morality falls down and how moral degradation growing up in the society. Gauri   seduced by Nana in front of Ganpati and it reflects the cruel reality of present time that sexuality implicit in power. It also shows repression and oppression of the individual's evident. It has also concept of developed materialism that industrialized sexuality at Bavanikhaani which is presented as a temple in the play.
Both major characters are portrayed just as  temptation that, " If the hunter is ready, the prey will be found." There is biggest question of justice that where to complain, no one knows! Tendulkar shows us how culture, custom and religion are closely connected.
Thus, the play shows individual deeply immersed in 18th century. It has concern with all forms or oppression in society and within the family. Play has strong visual sense, beautifully designed plots and profound sense of theatrical space.

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